Here you allude to the infinite, cyclical nature of life.
Some say that it would be boring if we were always “healing” and I tend to agree. You need an equal amount of “apocalypse” —or at least some degree of apocalypse—to create a stimulating environment, one with challenges that can inspire you to make choices, good and bad, that you can learn from.
Some people also say that we incarnate on this earthly plane for a reason. If non-existence or existence as an “angel” is solely serenity, there needs to be some “apocalypse” here on earth, or else there would be no reason to incarnate. It would be just like heaven. (The 18th century philosopher and Christian Emanuel Swedenborg talks a lot about this.)
Keeping these things in mind helps me look at the alleged apocalypses from a distance and see them just as they are. A part of life. This reduces my anxiety and inspires me to use them as a launch pad for positive change.