Thank you so much for your note, Ana.
I can relate to this: "Being jealous of other people's everyday unconsciousness is also something I feel constantly."
What helps me get over this "jealousy" is remembering how painful it was to not have God or Truth on my side when I was not conscious of the majesty of life. Now when I'm suffering I'm more quick to rebound because I realize that there is no benefit to the suffering. It won't help. It's a choice I'm making and, through prayer and a decision to remain still and let go, I can make the suffering stop.
Speaking of letting go, Dr. David Hawkins has a lot of awesome stuff to say about this. I started listening to him and reading his words a few months ago and then help me make sense of the mystery of it all. They also help me stay grounded. I still need to make time to let go of things that cause me to suffer. It's a process. And I'm glad there are people like you in this world who I can share that process with.
Love you,